Cyperus papyrus

L. (1753)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Monocots Order: Poales Family: Cyperaceae Genus: Cyperus

bulrush, kaluhā [kaluha], papyrus, papyrus sedge


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Tall perennials.

Stems: culms loosely tufted along short, woody, decumbent rhizomes, obtusely trigonous, 100–500 cm tall, 1–3 cm in diameter in lower part.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Leaves reduced to bladeless sheaths or the sterile shoots occasionally developing short blades. Margins entire. Veins parallel. Sheathing; basal sheaths brown, coriaceous, truncate at orifice. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in corymbs large, compound, primary rays numerous, slender, subequal, 10–30 cm long, secondary rays 3–5, spikelets in cylindrical spikes 1–2 cm long; involucral bracts 4–10, lanceolate, much shorter than rays, prophylls at base of rays usually tinged purple, up to 3 cm long; spikelets 6– 20–flowered, linear, 6–10 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide, rachilla winged; glumes pale brown, ovate–elliptic to elliptic, obtuse. Flowers bisexual (perfect). Corolla (petals) absent. Ovary superior; stigmas 3.

Fruit: Achenes brown; oblong; trigonous; apex obtuse. Seeds 1; seed coat thin; free from pericarp; embryo basal; endosperm abundant.

Ploidy: 2n = ca. 102

Habitat: Cultivated in water gardens and sparingly naturalized at least by offshoots.

Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Kaua'i Naturalized
O'ahu Only found in cultivation
Hawai'i Naturalized

Dispersal Agents


Vegetative Reproduction




Name Published In: Sp. Pl.: 47 (1753)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1398 (K); Staples et al. 2003:10 (H); Staples & Herbst 2005:656 (KEY, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cyperus papyrus L. Kapaa, Kapahi off of Kulana Place. KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 1620 Kauai PTBG 10/11/2007
2 Cyperus papyrus L. Chart House Restaurant, 46-336 Haiku Rd Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3127 NY 11/11/1996
3 Cyperus papyrus L. chart house restaurant, 46-336 haiku rd Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. r. annable 3127 NY 11/11/1996
4 Cyperus papyrus L. Kauai Nursery and Landscaping. 3-1550 Kaumualii Hwy, Puhi. "Lelans Stash" area. Maintained nursery area with secondary vegetation along margins. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 8680 Kauai PTBG 8/30/2016
5 Cyperus papyrus L. Hau'a'ala Rd. Kapaa, on banks of Kapaa River, at roadside north of Kapaa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lynwood Hume 490 Kauai PTBG 3/4/1990
6 Cyperus papyrus L. Kalaheo. Kikala road. Honua Farms (Emrick residence). Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 1963 Kauai PTBG 11/17/1986
7 Cyperus papyrus L. windward side of oahu, hakipuu, country residence of a. f. judd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN judd jr., a.f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 7/30/1938
8 Cyperus papyrus L. machuu taro farm, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. crago, c. imada, t. erickson & c. puttock 2005-114 Hawaii US 3/19/2005
9 Cyperus papyrus L. Kukuihaele, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. Englund & C. Imada 2001-16 Hawaii US 3/13/2001
10 Cyperus papyrus L. Waipahu Cultural Gardens, 94-695 Waipahu St In frequently flooded soil, growing in full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2112 Oahu BISH 3/10/1986
11 Cyperus papyrus L. honolulu, manoa valley, hspa arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN caum, e.l. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 4/26/1929
12 Cyperus papyrus L. Machuu Taro Farm, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Crago, C. Imada, T. Erickson & C. Puttock 2005-114 Hawaii US 3/19/2005
13 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt road 2.3 miles northwest of wailua experiment station, lihue-koloa forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. s. ishikawa 274 Kauai US 8/20/1973
14 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt road 2.3 miles northwest of Wailua Experiment Station, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ishikawa, S. S. 274 Kauai US 8/20/1973
15 Cyperus papyrus L. kukuihaele, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN r. englund & c. imada 2001-16 Hawaii US 3/13/2001
16 Cyperus papyrus L. Koloa District, Kalaheo, Kikala Rd. Honua Farms (Emrick residence) Along small ephemeral stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 1963 Kauai BISH 11/17/1986
17 Cyperus papyrus L. Chart House Restaurant; 46-336 Haiku Rd, Kaneohe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Annable, C.R. 3127 Oahu BISH 11/11/1996
18 Cyperus papyrus L. Kealia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 1264 Kauai BISH 1910-00-00
19 Cyperus papyrus L. Honolulu, Manoa Valley, HSPA arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Caum, E.L. s.n. Oahu BISH 4/26/1929
20 Cyperus papyrus L. hauaala rd, kapaa, at roadside n of kapaa Tall tree with furrowed bark; slender, pendent branches, white flowers. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hume, l. levine, r. collector number: 490 Oahu BISH 3/4/1990
21 Cyperus papyrus L. kealia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 1264 Kauai BISH
22 Cyperus papyrus L. Near mouth of Waipio Stream, Waipio Valley, Big Island, Hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crago, L.M. Imada, C.; Erickson, T.; Puttock, C. Collector Number: 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
23 Cyperus papyrus L. koloa district, kalaheo, kikala rd. honua farms (emrick residence) Along small ephemeral stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. collector number: 1963 Kauai BISH 11/17/1986
24 Cyperus papyrus L. Windward side of Oahu, Hakipuu, country residence of A. F. Judd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Judd Jr., A.F. s.n. Oahu BISH 7/30/1938
25 Cyperus papyrus L. chart house restaurant; 46-336 haiku rd, kaneohe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN annable, c.r. atha, d. collector number: 3127 Oahu BISH 11/11/1996
26 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Crago, C. Imada, T. Erickson & C. Puttock 2005-114 Hawaii HAPI 3/19/2005
27 Cyperus papyrus L. Machuu Taro Farm, Waipio Valley Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3127 Hawaii HAPI 11/11/1996
28 Cyperus papyrus L. Hauaala Rd, Kapaa, at roadside N of Kapaa On banks of Kapaa River. Extensive naturalized stand. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hume, L. 490 Kauai BISH 3/4/1990
29 Cyperus papyrus L. hamakua district, kukuihaele quad, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN englund, r. (sub imada, c.) collector number: 2001-16 Kauai BISH 3/13/2001
30 Cyperus papyrus L. near mouth of waipio stream, waipio valley, big island, hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN crago, l.m. imada, c.; erickson, t.; puttock, c. collector number: 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
31 Cyperus papyrus L. Koloa District: National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley; Nursery at Pump 6 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. Englund & C. Imada 2001-16 Kauai HAPI 3/13/2001
32 Cyperus papyrus L. waipahu cultural gardens, 94-695 waipahu st PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. cory, c. collector number: 2112 Maui BISH 3/10/1986
33 Cyperus papyrus L. kapaa, kapahi off of kulana place. kisc 2007 early detection roadside survey. growing in small pond dense filling pond With Hibiscus tiliaceus, Urochloa maxima, Ricinus communis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN tangalin, n. collector number: 1620 Kauai BISH 10/11/2007
34 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt rd 2.3 mi nw of wailua experiment station, lihue-koloa forest reserve Found under Hibiscus tiliaceus & assoc. w. Brachiaria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ishikawa, s. collector number: 274 Kauai BISH 8/20/1973
35 Cyperus papyrus L. Off dirt rd 2.3 mi NW of Wailua Experiment Station, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve Found under Hibiscus tiliaceus & assoc. w. Brachiaria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ishikawa, S. 274 Kauai BISH 8/20/1973
36 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley Large monodominant patch growing in wetland area on east side near mouth of Waipio Valley. Stems over 7 ft. tall. Margins with Eichhornia crassipes, Commelina diffusa, Schoenoplectus californicus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Englund, R. (sub Imada, C.) Collector Number: 2001-16 Hawaii BISH 3/13/2001
37 Cyperus papyrus L. Near mouth of Waipio Stream, Waipio Valley, Big Island, Hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crago, L.M. 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
38 Cyperus papyrus L. Kapaa, Kapahi off of Kulana Place. KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. Growing in small pond dense filling pond With Hibiscus tiliaceus, Urochloa maxima, Ricinus communis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. 1620 Kauai BISH 10/11/2007
39 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley Large monodominant patch growing in wetland area on east side near mouth of Waipio Valley. Stems over 7 ft. tall. Margins with Eichhornia crassipes, Commelina diffusa, Schoenoplectus californicus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Englund, R. 2001-16 Hawaii BISH 3/13/2001
40 Cyperus papyrus L. Kapaa, Kapahi off of Kulana Place. KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 1620 Kauai PTBG 10/11/2007
41 Cyperus papyrus L. Chart House Restaurant, 46-336 Haiku Rd Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3127 NY 11/11/1996
42 Cyperus papyrus L. chart house restaurant, 46-336 haiku rd Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. r. annable 3127 NY 11/11/1996
43 Cyperus papyrus L. Kauai Nursery and Landscaping. 3-1550 Kaumualii Hwy, Puhi. "Lelans Stash" area. Maintained nursery area with secondary vegetation along margins. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 8680 Kauai PTBG 8/30/2016
44 Cyperus papyrus L. Hau'a'ala Rd. Kapaa, on banks of Kapaa River, at roadside north of Kapaa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lynwood Hume 490 Kauai PTBG 3/4/1990
45 Cyperus papyrus L. Kalaheo. Kikala road. Honua Farms (Emrick residence). Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 1963 Kauai PTBG 11/17/1986
46 Cyperus papyrus L. windward side of oahu, hakipuu, country residence of a. f. judd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN judd jr., a.f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 7/30/1938
47 Cyperus papyrus L. machuu taro farm, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. crago, c. imada, t. erickson & c. puttock 2005-114 Hawaii US 3/19/2005
48 Cyperus papyrus L. Kukuihaele, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. Englund & C. Imada 2001-16 Hawaii US 3/13/2001
49 Cyperus papyrus L. Waipahu Cultural Gardens, 94-695 Waipahu St In frequently flooded soil, growing in full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2112 Oahu BISH 3/10/1986
50 Cyperus papyrus L. honolulu, manoa valley, hspa arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN caum, e.l. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 4/26/1929
51 Cyperus papyrus L. Machuu Taro Farm, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Crago, C. Imada, T. Erickson & C. Puttock 2005-114 Hawaii US 3/19/2005
52 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt road 2.3 miles northwest of wailua experiment station, lihue-koloa forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. s. ishikawa 274 Kauai US 8/20/1973
53 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt road 2.3 miles northwest of Wailua Experiment Station, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ishikawa, S. S. 274 Kauai US 8/20/1973
54 Cyperus papyrus L. kukuihaele, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN r. englund & c. imada 2001-16 Hawaii US 3/13/2001
55 Cyperus papyrus L. Koloa District, Kalaheo, Kikala Rd. Honua Farms (Emrick residence) Along small ephemeral stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 1963 Kauai BISH 11/17/1986
56 Cyperus papyrus L. Chart House Restaurant; 46-336 Haiku Rd, Kaneohe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Annable, C.R. 3127 Oahu BISH 11/11/1996
57 Cyperus papyrus L. Kealia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 1264 Kauai BISH 1910-00-00
58 Cyperus papyrus L. Honolulu, Manoa Valley, HSPA arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Caum, E.L. s.n. Oahu BISH 4/26/1929
59 Cyperus papyrus L. hauaala rd, kapaa, at roadside n of kapaa Tall tree with furrowed bark; slender, pendent branches, white flowers. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hume, l. levine, r. collector number: 490 Oahu BISH 3/4/1990
60 Cyperus papyrus L. kealia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 1264 Kauai BISH
61 Cyperus papyrus L. Near mouth of Waipio Stream, Waipio Valley, Big Island, Hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crago, L.M. Imada, C.; Erickson, T.; Puttock, C. Collector Number: 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
62 Cyperus papyrus L. koloa district, kalaheo, kikala rd. honua farms (emrick residence) Along small ephemeral stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. collector number: 1963 Kauai BISH 11/17/1986
63 Cyperus papyrus L. Windward side of Oahu, Hakipuu, country residence of A. F. Judd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Judd Jr., A.F. s.n. Oahu BISH 7/30/1938
64 Cyperus papyrus L. chart house restaurant; 46-336 haiku rd, kaneohe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN annable, c.r. atha, d. collector number: 3127 Oahu BISH 11/11/1996
65 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Crago, C. Imada, T. Erickson & C. Puttock 2005-114 Hawaii HAPI 3/19/2005
66 Cyperus papyrus L. Machuu Taro Farm, Waipio Valley Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3127 Hawaii HAPI 11/11/1996
67 Cyperus papyrus L. Hauaala Rd, Kapaa, at roadside N of Kapaa On banks of Kapaa River. Extensive naturalized stand. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hume, L. 490 Kauai BISH 3/4/1990
68 Cyperus papyrus L. hamakua district, kukuihaele quad, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN englund, r. (sub imada, c.) collector number: 2001-16 Kauai BISH 3/13/2001
69 Cyperus papyrus L. near mouth of waipio stream, waipio valley, big island, hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN crago, l.m. imada, c.; erickson, t.; puttock, c. collector number: 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
70 Cyperus papyrus L. Koloa District: National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley; Nursery at Pump 6 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. Englund & C. Imada 2001-16 Kauai HAPI 3/13/2001
71 Cyperus papyrus L. waipahu cultural gardens, 94-695 waipahu st PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. cory, c. collector number: 2112 Maui BISH 3/10/1986
72 Cyperus papyrus L. kapaa, kapahi off of kulana place. kisc 2007 early detection roadside survey. growing in small pond dense filling pond With Hibiscus tiliaceus, Urochloa maxima, Ricinus communis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN tangalin, n. collector number: 1620 Kauai BISH 10/11/2007
73 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt rd 2.3 mi nw of wailua experiment station, lihue-koloa forest reserve Found under Hibiscus tiliaceus & assoc. w. Brachiaria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ishikawa, s. collector number: 274 Kauai BISH 8/20/1973
74 Cyperus papyrus L. Off dirt rd 2.3 mi NW of Wailua Experiment Station, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve Found under Hibiscus tiliaceus & assoc. w. Brachiaria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ishikawa, S. 274 Kauai BISH 8/20/1973
75 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley Large monodominant patch growing in wetland area on east side near mouth of Waipio Valley. Stems over 7 ft. tall. Margins with Eichhornia crassipes, Commelina diffusa, Schoenoplectus californicus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Englund, R. (sub Imada, C.) Collector Number: 2001-16 Hawaii BISH 3/13/2001
76 Cyperus papyrus L. Near mouth of Waipio Stream, Waipio Valley, Big Island, Hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crago, L.M. 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
77 Cyperus papyrus L. Kapaa, Kapahi off of Kulana Place. KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. Growing in small pond dense filling pond With Hibiscus tiliaceus, Urochloa maxima, Ricinus communis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. 1620 Kauai BISH 10/11/2007
78 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley Large monodominant patch growing in wetland area on east side near mouth of Waipio Valley. Stems over 7 ft. tall. Margins with Eichhornia crassipes, Commelina diffusa, Schoenoplectus californicus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Englund, R. 2001-16 Hawaii BISH 3/13/2001
79 Cyperus papyrus L. Kapaa, Kapahi off of Kulana Place. KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 1620 Kauai PTBG 10/11/2007
80 Cyperus papyrus L. Chart House Restaurant, 46-336 Haiku Rd Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3127 NY 11/11/1996
81 Cyperus papyrus L. chart house restaurant, 46-336 haiku rd Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. r. annable 3127 NY 11/11/1996
82 Cyperus papyrus L. Kauai Nursery and Landscaping. 3-1550 Kaumualii Hwy, Puhi. "Lelans Stash" area. Maintained nursery area with secondary vegetation along margins. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 8680 Kauai PTBG 8/30/2016
83 Cyperus papyrus L. Hau'a'ala Rd. Kapaa, on banks of Kapaa River, at roadside north of Kapaa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lynwood Hume 490 Kauai PTBG 3/4/1990
84 Cyperus papyrus L. Kalaheo. Kikala road. Honua Farms (Emrick residence). Cultivated plants. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 1963 Kauai PTBG 11/17/1986
85 Cyperus papyrus L. windward side of oahu, hakipuu, country residence of a. f. judd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN judd jr., a.f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 7/30/1938
86 Cyperus papyrus L. machuu taro farm, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. crago, c. imada, t. erickson & c. puttock 2005-114 Hawaii US 3/19/2005
87 Cyperus papyrus L. Kukuihaele, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. Englund & C. Imada 2001-16 Hawaii US 3/13/2001
88 Cyperus papyrus L. Waipahu Cultural Gardens, 94-695 Waipahu St In frequently flooded soil, growing in full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2112 Oahu BISH 3/10/1986
89 Cyperus papyrus L. honolulu, manoa valley, hspa arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN caum, e.l. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 4/26/1929
90 Cyperus papyrus L. Machuu Taro Farm, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Crago, C. Imada, T. Erickson & C. Puttock 2005-114 Hawaii US 3/19/2005
91 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt road 2.3 miles northwest of wailua experiment station, lihue-koloa forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. s. ishikawa 274 Kauai US 8/20/1973
92 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt road 2.3 miles northwest of Wailua Experiment Station, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ishikawa, S. S. 274 Kauai US 8/20/1973
93 Cyperus papyrus L. kukuihaele, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN r. englund & c. imada 2001-16 Hawaii US 3/13/2001
94 Cyperus papyrus L. Koloa District, Kalaheo, Kikala Rd. Honua Farms (Emrick residence) Along small ephemeral stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 1963 Kauai BISH 11/17/1986
95 Cyperus papyrus L. Chart House Restaurant; 46-336 Haiku Rd, Kaneohe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Annable, C.R. 3127 Oahu BISH 11/11/1996
96 Cyperus papyrus L. Kealia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Faurie, A. 1264 Kauai BISH 1910-00-00
97 Cyperus papyrus L. Honolulu, Manoa Valley, HSPA arboretum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Caum, E.L. s.n. Oahu BISH 4/26/1929
98 Cyperus papyrus L. hauaala rd, kapaa, at roadside n of kapaa Tall tree with furrowed bark; slender, pendent branches, white flowers. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hume, l. levine, r. collector number: 490 Oahu BISH 3/4/1990
99 Cyperus papyrus L. kealia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN faurie, a. collector number: 1264 Kauai BISH
100 Cyperus papyrus L. Near mouth of Waipio Stream, Waipio Valley, Big Island, Hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crago, L.M. Imada, C.; Erickson, T.; Puttock, C. Collector Number: 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
101 Cyperus papyrus L. koloa district, kalaheo, kikala rd. honua farms (emrick residence) Along small ephemeral stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. collector number: 1963 Kauai BISH 11/17/1986
102 Cyperus papyrus L. Windward side of Oahu, Hakipuu, country residence of A. F. Judd PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Judd Jr., A.F. s.n. Oahu BISH 7/30/1938
103 Cyperus papyrus L. chart house restaurant; 46-336 haiku rd, kaneohe PRESERVED_SPECIMEN annable, c.r. atha, d. collector number: 3127 Oahu BISH 11/11/1996
104 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. Crago, C. Imada, T. Erickson & C. Puttock 2005-114 Hawaii HAPI 3/19/2005
105 Cyperus papyrus L. Machuu Taro Farm, Waipio Valley Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN C. R. Annable 3127 Hawaii HAPI 11/11/1996
106 Cyperus papyrus L. Hauaala Rd, Kapaa, at roadside N of Kapaa On banks of Kapaa River. Extensive naturalized stand. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hume, L. 490 Kauai BISH 3/4/1990
107 Cyperus papyrus L. hamakua district, kukuihaele quad, waipio valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN englund, r. (sub imada, c.) collector number: 2001-16 Kauai BISH 3/13/2001
108 Cyperus papyrus L. near mouth of waipio stream, waipio valley, big island, hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN crago, l.m. imada, c.; erickson, t.; puttock, c. collector number: 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
109 Cyperus papyrus L. Koloa District: National Tropical Botanical Garden in Lawai Valley; Nursery at Pump 6 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN R. Englund & C. Imada 2001-16 Kauai HAPI 3/13/2001
110 Cyperus papyrus L. waipahu cultural gardens, 94-695 waipahu st PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. cory, c. collector number: 2112 Maui BISH 3/10/1986
111 Cyperus papyrus L. kapaa, kapahi off of kulana place. kisc 2007 early detection roadside survey. growing in small pond dense filling pond With Hibiscus tiliaceus, Urochloa maxima, Ricinus communis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN tangalin, n. collector number: 1620 Kauai BISH 10/11/2007
112 Cyperus papyrus L. off dirt rd 2.3 mi nw of wailua experiment station, lihue-koloa forest reserve Found under Hibiscus tiliaceus & assoc. w. Brachiaria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ishikawa, s. collector number: 274 Kauai BISH 8/20/1973
113 Cyperus papyrus L. Off dirt rd 2.3 mi NW of Wailua Experiment Station, Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve Found under Hibiscus tiliaceus & assoc. w. Brachiaria. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ishikawa, S. 274 Kauai BISH 8/20/1973
114 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley Large monodominant patch growing in wetland area on east side near mouth of Waipio Valley. Stems over 7 ft. tall. Margins with Eichhornia crassipes, Commelina diffusa, Schoenoplectus californicus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Englund, R. (sub Imada, C.) Collector Number: 2001-16 Hawaii BISH 3/13/2001
115 Cyperus papyrus L. Near mouth of Waipio Stream, Waipio Valley, Big Island, Hawaii Growing in a large wet, mucky field near mouth of Waipio Valley Stream, by Waipio Beach. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crago, L.M. 2005-114 Hawaii BISH 3/19/2005
116 Cyperus papyrus L. Kapaa, Kapahi off of Kulana Place. KISC 2007 Early Detection Roadside Survey. Growing in small pond dense filling pond With Hibiscus tiliaceus, Urochloa maxima, Ricinus communis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N. 1620 Kauai BISH 10/11/2007
117 Cyperus papyrus L. Hamakua District, Kukuihaele quad, Waipio Valley Large monodominant patch growing in wetland area on east side near mouth of Waipio Valley. Stems over 7 ft. tall. Margins with Eichhornia crassipes, Commelina diffusa, Schoenoplectus californicus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Englund, R. 2001-16 Hawaii BISH 3/13/2001